Find your push. Find your power.
Find your push. Find your power.
Peloton is a fitness brand that offers so much more than just an exercise bike. Whether it’s cycling, running, strength training, or yoga its users can connect to a community and a multitude of classes that go far beyond just exercise equipment. The elite instructors, access to music, competing with others in real time and tracking personal performance all motivate their users to continue exercising throughout their fitness journey. Inspired by this we created a global unifying platform that positioned Peloton as a motivator on a human level in the line ‘Find your push, find your power’. An idea that understands how we all have different goals, passions, interests and like to exercise in our own unique way.
Find your push, find your power was launched globally with three big campaigns targeting three different audiences and reasons to get moving; whether its; sibling rivalry, keeping up with your kids or getting over a break up.
The first of the three takes two NFL legends and brothers TJ and JJ Watt who compete to outdo each other using all Peloton has to offer. The story is based on a truth that started earlier in the year when JJ Watt posted a tweet stating how hard a cycling class was after coming 8th. Only for his brother to retweet showing he was the 7th. Game on.