Projecting Life
Projecting Life
Half of all UK adults have experienced baby loss or know someone who has*. These statistics underscore the widespread nature of baby loss in the UK, challenging the misconception that it is ‘just one of those things’.
The campaign reinforces how Tommy’s work is changing outcomes, so that many more families can bring their babies home. Through life-saving research and care, Tommy's is making pregnancy and birth safe and improving the journey for expecting parents. This new campaign follows the launch of the government’s ‘baby loss certificate’ scheme to recognise the loss of a baby before 24 weeks, no matter when it happened. The scheme has been welcomed by bereaved families - irrespective of whether their loss happened recently or more historically. This response further demonstrates the message that pregnancy and baby loss can cast a lifelong shadow.
Inspired by conversations with bereaved adults across the UK, the campaign is a stark reminder of the preciousness of life and the long-term effect of living with loss. The powerful visuals evoke the profound sense of absence and unrealised potential that people live with after losing a baby.